Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sex & Weight Gain

So you've tacked on some extra pushing for the cushion… ladies we've all been there; men perhaps you have been too. When you met your mate maybe you were two or three sizes smaller, maybe your girlfriend or wife had a child, maybe you've got comfortable and the weight just came, however, it has become a problem within your relationship and particularly sex!!

Women: Gaining weight is not the end of the world, and some men do not mind as long as its not excessive. However, accepting the fact that you have gained weight and perhaps you need to lose it or change your eating habits may be a harsh reality. Perhaps you and your mate have failed to talk about you jumping from a size 8 to 16 at 5'3". Your in denial and he's just acting as if he doesn't care, when in reality you know he does! He may not look at you the same or be as sexually attracted to you. Don't let this problem keep growing in your relationship without dealing with it, because it can be detrimental. Stop thinking that he is shallow for NOT accepting your excessive weight gain. It is unfair to him and yourself. Instead address the problem head on, ask him to come work out with you or help you eat healthier. Most men are willing to work with their woman if she's trying to improve her self image, especially for him. Men adore seeing their woman care about her body, her image, and her relationship. Plus you being healthy overall will have a positive affect on your sex life. However, in the process of changing for him make sure you are always happy with you! Now if you or your mate have absolutely no problem with your weight gain and you are healthy than this article is not for you!

Men: Struggling with weight gain can also be a uncomfortable situation. When she met you your muscle mass may have been above average, you were in shape, your sex drive and stamina were high and now its total opposite. Don't for one second be fooled that women do not care about their man's physical appearance. WE DO!Understanding that physical attraction is a eminent part in sexual connectivity is important. Consequently, gaining or even losing muscle may be a slight turn off for your mate, even if their too nice to say something about it. Teaming up once again with your mate to create goal of becoming more healthier, losing weight, or gaining muscle may be an excellent plan. And if both of you have struggled in the relationship gaining weight from the late night ice cream, popcorn, dinner and movie dates then it could be fun getting back healthy together. However, as sensitive of a topic as it may be ignoring excessive physical changes is never a good idea in any relationship.

According to a recent study conducted at Duke University up to 30% of obese people seeking help controlling their weight indicate problems with sex drive, desire, performance, or all three. Another study reported in Psychology Today stated that 68% of adults in a test survey stated after losing at least 10 lbs or more 42% of those adults felt more sexually attractive and confident. Weight gain even if you are NOT obese can cause an individual to be self conscious throughout a sexual encounter making him or her focus on everything else besides the pure enjoyment of sex. Most of the time losing weight is such a mental struggle that people spend hours thinking about it while just simply taking the first step. Its so much easier to say "I need or want to lose weight," instead just doing it.

>The good news is you can always make changes to your body. These are some helpful things you and your partner can do

-Lose a little weight even if its 10 pounds it will stimulate your sex hormones while also making you feel better about your image (if losing weight is your issue)

-Eat more nutritious foods, which control cholesterol and blood sugar levels

-Key your workout to getting blood flowing to the pelvic area, ask your partner to be apart of your workout plans

-Accept your body at any size and accept the fact that bodies can change; no one size is ever permanent

-Believe in your sensuality, know that you are beautiful or handsome and OWN you being sexy (Self confidence is powerful)

Take the sex and weight quiz at:

Find workout facilities near you:

Eat sexier:

Cheers to a healthier lifestyle and sex life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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